Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Kiss me im a donegan
thanks to nienie i found out the Chicago river turns green today and walking up to a voice mail from Brandie Frampton is always good but i miss her so much but it made me happy:)
I love today for the following reasons:
i get to wear Brandon's green Boston hat :)
i'm Irish so i can tell people to kiss me for good luck
everyone wears the pretty color green
gets me excited for the spring and all the dead coming alive
i get to pinch people
i get to tell people my real last name DONEGAN:)
and its Thursday one day closer to Friday:)
I love today for the following reasons:
i get to wear Brandon's green Boston hat :)
i'm Irish so i can tell people to kiss me for good luck
everyone wears the pretty color green
gets me excited for the spring and all the dead coming alive
i get to pinch people
i get to tell people my real last name DONEGAN:)
and its Thursday one day closer to Friday:)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
who i am
Who I Am lyrics
If I live to be a hundred
And never see the seven wonders
That'll be alright
If I don't make it to the big leagues
If I never win a Grammy
I'm gonna be just fine
Cause I know exactly who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
So when I make a big mistake
And when I fall flat on my face
I know I'll be alright
Should my tender heart be broken
I will cry those teardrops knowing
I will be just fine
Cause nothing changes who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I'm a saint and I'm a sinner
I'm a loser; I'm a winner
I am steady and unstable
I'm young, but I am able
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
That's who I am
If I live to be a hundred
And never see the seven wonders
That'll be alright
If I don't make it to the big leagues
If I never win a Grammy
I'm gonna be just fine
Cause I know exactly who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
So when I make a big mistake
And when I fall flat on my face
I know I'll be alright
Should my tender heart be broken
I will cry those teardrops knowing
I will be just fine
Cause nothing changes who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I'm a saint and I'm a sinner
I'm a loser; I'm a winner
I am steady and unstable
I'm young, but I am able
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
That's who I am
3-15- 2010
This was a day to celebrate...
Has been sober for a year
she is such a great example to me
she is so strong and she has showed me
you can go threw anything and still be strong
I love you sis CONGRATS..
<3 your lil sis
welcome to delta
well this last week end me and natasha went to delta to see her kids it looked a little something like this....

saturday night :D
kasia and bryk
visiting Natasha's old friends
me and braylnn laying on the tramp
taking a nap on the trap wif me missy
Tasha and her babys
Bryk climb threw the doggie door
Just being beautiful
when we had to say bye bray looks at her mommy and says with tear in her eyes and cry in her voice "mommy your my best friend"he can't say but but he can say i want that :D
this is kinda what are week end looked like it was a great week end i love hanging out with natasha and her babys its cool that seven years ago we were out there for the summer and we are 20 she has kids and we reunite with delta again ...
Monday, March 14, 2011
this ship has sailed
This ship has sailed
i took a trip outta town cleared my mind and drowned the sound.
i thought of you and wish it would change
the thought of you is no longer the Same
i see your face and remember the pain
its not far enough, to give it away you're
in my dreams almost every night
i really don't understand but it makes me cry
the feelings were strong but I'm moving on
its time for me to stop living in a song
fairy tails never really end
so this is me playing pretend
i know one day you'll come around
just don't forget this ship has sailed.
Friday, March 11, 2011
tsunami && earth quake
My heart dropped when i got to work today and looked at the news.. For everyone who was effected by this my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family's my best friend is in Hawaii and i sure hope she is safe.... i couldn't imagine i just put my self in there shoes and trying to think about it just blows my mind.. you never truly know how blessed you are in tell you relies what other people don't have... the one thing i know I'm blessed is to have the church in my life if i didn't have it i would go crazy when i lost a loved one thinking i would never see them again but i know with the truth i have i will see my loved ones again i wish everyone had that feeling its a peaceful feeling.. any ways god bless japan and anyone who may be effect by this.,0,2015595.story,0,2015595.story
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Friends there is something about friends that make everything better you can feel like your whole world is falling apart and then a good friend will come around and your just happy you catch your self laughing when all you have done for days is cry... they cheer you up whenever you need them..... friends are the family we choose to have.. i have the most amazing friends there always there for me and they always make me happy lately i have chilled with trisa and JB alot and they always have me laughing they make me feel so much better when i'm sad they are the funnest couple to chill with and very trustable and there is also treav jared shane zack and robert we always have such a good time.. me and natasha are unstoppable we are a pack and go threw the same stuff together and we fight are battles knowing we have each others backs always been there always will.
Friday, March 4, 2011
the only good thing about being on an emotional roller coaster is that your never feel the same way for moment you're up, the next you're down. you can't figure out what it is you want.rather then drag your loved ones along on the ride, get away from your usual environment. you will be a lot better off alone. and something more important may come out of these moments of solitude!
I'm gonna listen to mine today :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Me and annie went to nickel city last night and won like 600 tickets each it was fun :) i got mustaches for mustache march and we wore them every where to the bowling ally to walkers and walmart and then the best part of the night beto's we walk in and this guy that kinda looks homeless but was very nice talked to us and he only had $1.25 and the workers asked him what he wanted and he said i only have enough for a taco and they were like what do you want and he said i really like something that was like $10 and they got it for him and a drink and gave him his money back it was the sweetest thing i have ever seen it made me feel good and i didnt even do it BETOS IN AF your AMAZING! but any ways i had so much fun chilling with my old bestfriend i really miss HER ALOT!<3MISS
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday nights:)
Apple bee's every Tuesday has been a great escape for me.. it gets my mind off everything and i always have a good time.. last night was alot of fun Shane, treav,ang,baby edison, jasi, robert, alec, jared ,zack ,amanda, and tayler all came it was fun but i think we were there for like two hours haha i love these guys they always make me so happy and then i ended up sleeping on shanes couch some times i just love sleeping there because i get out of my own head and just fall asleep last night i slept there because i forgot my apartment key lol i love those two boys with all my heart they are such amazing best friends they listen to everything i have to say.. they always boost me up when im down and they always let me just cry and be a big baby and just hug me there the best! I LOVE YOU SHANE AND TREAV!!<3 Miss
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Forgive & Forget
I just like to forgive people because if they did something to me
that hurt me enough that i have to forgive them
i must love them enough to care....
it's easy for me to erase the hurt and focus on the important things...
forgiving people always feels good and makes me happy to have a good friend back..
forgive And Forget let go and don't look back <3Miss
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